The average winter outdoor temperature in Northern Cyprus during the day can range from +15 to +20˚C. At night it drops to + 5-10˚C.
The temperature in the apartment in winter is the same as in central Europe in the off-season time, before the heating is turned on at home.
As in other Mediterranean countries, most apartments in Northern Cyprus do not have central heating. Fortunately, recently more and more projects with this option have appeared.
How do they heat homes on the island in winter?
Air conditioner
Most people use air conditioners for heating. They are installed in each apartment. Unfortunately, this is not the most effective, or cheapest way.
Electric heater
This device is less expensive to use than an air conditioner. If you choose energy efficiency class A+, then the electricity bills do not look so scary. It is best to choose a convector.
Gas heater
This is the most economical and effective way to heat a room. Though not the safest one. In addition, it burns out oxygen and you must periodically ventilate the room.
Underfloor heating
This is the great way to heat your home in winter. Locals normally install underfloor heating only in the bathroom/toilet. At the same time the immigrants more and more often order the installation of underfloor heating in other rooms as well.
Central heating
A central electric or fuel boiler provides heat to the entire residential complex. When buying such housing, all the necessary piping is already installed in the living space. Radiators can be installed and connected at the request of the owner. This is the most comfortable way to heat, especially in large areas.
This is the most romantic way to heat. What could be better than sitting by the fireplace on a damp cold winter evening and listening to the crackling of firewood. Unfortunately, not all living spaces have a possibility of installing such an option.
Electric sheets and blankets
Those who can easily tolerate cool temperatures in their apartment during the day use electric sheets or blankets to warm only the bed at night. This is quite convenient and economical.